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"The evening's conductor, Sofia Winiarski, is absolutely brilliant. She makes quite large movements and has a clear, convincing conducting technique, in a constant motion that moves the music forward. She radiates wonderful energy -- an energy that is transmitted to the orchestra as well as the audience."
Militärmusiksamfundet, 18 dec. 2022
"In the listener-friendly "Three Fancies" by Torstein Aagaard-Nilssen, the orchestra greatly enjoyed Winiarski's clear leadership. An audience can only see the conductor's back. Nevertheless, her charisma was evident even in the salon."
Corren, September 2022
"The orchestra played with great enthusiasm and emotion under the direction of a conductor with a clear and varied technique."

"The conductor gave the soloist room so that she could take hold of the work's unmistakable melodic charm, characteristic freshness and vitality." (...) "The lush and full-bodied orchestral playing gave the soloist room for a controlled and a masterful interpretation."


Västerbottenskuriren, November 2023
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